Emergency Text Message Systems

Emergency Text MessageEmergency Text Message systems are becoming the standard in large organizations and institutions. What better way to communicate with your employees or students than with an emergency text system based on technology most adults carry with them on a constant basis - a cell phone with text messaging capabilities.

An emergency text message has several applications within an organization or institution. Notify employees of important meetings minutes before they begin, approaching project deadlines, and even emergency situations in the office such as fires or other hazardous situations. In a university setting, send out emergency text messages reminding students of past due payments, building maintenance emergencies on campus, or Friday's homecoming game. The possibilities are endless!

Emergency Text Message - Easy with Txtwire

Emergency text alerts are the future of mass communication to large groups of people. No more verbal reminders or unread emails. Txtwire harnesses the power of emergency text message alerts into an easy to use avenue of communication that is easy to implement and manage. Our system will save you valuable time and money.